How to lose weight fast: the most effective ways to and advice from the experts

"15 kg in 2 weeks without effort — check out the new method!", "The ideal figure for a week without the drugs, diet and sport", "Less than 16 cm in a month lose weight without stress and hunger," is only the tip of the iceberg under the name of the advertising firm, pr marketing move. The Internet, commercials on tv, books are full of such offers. And as we all know, which is nothing more than empty promises, but somewhere deep inside, I want to believe, that here is the miraculous cure, which will allow you to become skinny. in record time. After the money is spent, the nerves, the health, but hateful pounds from nowhere and not go away.

If the tools miracle in the majority of cases are false, if there are real ways to lose weight fast, and that eventually turn to health?

What you need to know

effective ways for weight loss

Get rid of illusions

Everyone admire when someone manages to reset six months 50 kg. With the photo "after" look at us smiling, tanned, people slender with loaded figures, in which the old clothes hanging bag. But not all realize that this is only one side of the medal.

Those who aims to lose weight quickly and reaches its, are not so lucky as it seems. As A result of ruthless experiment above them, as well as a record of loss of weight, obtaining yet a bouquet is not just a pleasant "bonus". All of them starts to annoy you, I am constantly frustrated by the other. The hair come out of packs, manicure, because of the separation nails not of the resists, the skin becomes dry and grey. Nausea, dizziness, can't focus on work.

Yes, at the end of a marathon balance show you the precious amount, but at what price has reached? With joy if they look at their image reflected in the mirror? And what to do with the sagging skin folds, which were full of fat? In most cases, it is necessary to surgically remove. But someone doesn't have the money to do it, and someone himself under the scalpel will not fall.

Before putting on the task of losing weight quickly and in the greatest possible number of red chili, to read the stories of real people, have such an experience. You should know that you can expect in this process of "marathon" and after him.

The consequences of rapid weight loss

The damage to health:

  • broken hormones, lose the working of the thyroid and the adrenal glands;
  • destabilizing pressure: start uncontrollable jump;
  • reduced immunity;
  • changes in the acidity of the stomach;
  • in large quantities to form plaques of cholesterol;
  • broken the balance of the hydro-electrolytic;
  • it increases the load on the heart, the blood becomes more dense — the circulation of the blood slows down, which may occur a shortage of oxygen;
  • lost of vitamins and mineral balance, the body washed important elements;
  • broken metabolism;
  • form kidney stones and gallstones.

Complications like diseases:

  • migraine;
  • dystonia;
  • adipose hepatotoxicity;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • infarction;
  • cholecystitis;
  • beri-beri;
  • depression;
  • ulcer;
  • eating disorders: bulimia, anorexia.

Deterioration of health:

  • drowsiness;
  • weakness;
  • reduction of the concentration;
  • headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • irritability, nervousness, crying, mood swings;
  • abdominal pain, constipation;
  • muscle spasms and seizures;
  • constant a strong sense of hunger;
  • reduction of the body temperature, feeling cold, chills;
  • insomnia;
  • worsening of chronic diseases.

Changes in appearance:

  • the loss of skin tone and elasticity;
  • the appearance of folds and sagging;
  • a color is olive of the person;
  • thinning, hair loss;
  • the bruising and bags under the eyes;
  • the swelling;
  • thinning, bassoon of the nail plate;
  • dehydration, excessive dryness of the skin.

What happens with the weight and the figure of:

  • rapid weight loss is the loss of muscle mass, as well as the muscle fibers are broken down the first;
  • as a result of lipolysis accelerated split fats don't have the time to exit from the body and are deposited in the liver;
  • at the end of the "trial" occurs fast, uncontrollable weight gain — performance may exceed those who were up to weight loss;
  • at a certain point the weight can stand up and will not go away ( c. d. plateau effect), in spite of remedy, is associated with a slow metabolism;
  • this deplorable situation — the start of the weight gain, as well as during the workout, the muscle mass increases more quickly than if he goes for the fat, but it is heavier.

The pitfalls for women:

  • the package is lost or stops the menstrual cycle;
  • decreased libido;
  • decrease the odds of conceiving a child;
  • the appearance leaves much to be desired: the hair fall, exfoliate nails, the skin becomes dry.

The pitfalls for men:

  • the reduction of the synthesis of testosterone;
  • decreased sexual desire;
  • slows down the speed and the quality of the sperm — reproductive capacity leaves much to be desired;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • the figure becomes too lean and ugly due to loss of muscle mass.

Once again: it is waiting for the person who has made the decision to lose weight faster. Who organises gradual, good weight reduction, in accordance with the recommendations of the experts, we rarely collide with similar problems.


If you want to successfully and quickly lose weight, you must first pass the examination and obtain the recommendations of doctors. No health problems — you can try. But if you have certain diseases is impossible without the risk of ending up in a hospital bed.

Contraindications for quick weight loss:

  • disorders hormonal: puberty, pregnancy, post-partum, the period of rehabilitation, diseases of the thyroid and the adrenal glands, menopause;
  • hypertension and hypotension, atherosclerosis, hypoxia;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • problems with the GASTROINTESTINAL tract, the CCC, central nervous system, the reproductive system;
  • disorders of water and electrolyte balance and of the metabolism;
  • dystonia;
  • cholecystitis;
  • beri-beri;
  • depression;
  • pregnancy and breast-feeding;
  • children (up to 18 years) and older age (after age 50);
  • chronic diseases.

If you neglect contraindications, lose weight quickly and without any damage to the body definitely will not work. Perhaps, the weight will come down, but in a moment difficult to restore health.

Where to lose weight

Familiarize yourself with the lists of side effects and contraindications — only the first steps towards such a serious event. Before choosing ways, how to quickly lose weight, you need to solve, by just you or with the help of someone.

Collective projects

Now there are many projects of collective weight loss. You gather groups that try to get rid of extra pounds. With their work as professional nutritionists and coaches. When there is a control part and a time competitive (always compare with others, motivates and allows obtaining good results.

Sign up to a project like this, okay, but... it is Unlikely that you will lose weight quickly and easily. In the first place, the team that works with participants in these projects, which are advancing fairly rigid requirements. In training — the sweat, the food serves to take photos and every time you send a dietician and other restrictions. This is a difficult one. In the second place, their task — for the people not only have lost the weight, but was saved health. Then the diet and the program of lessons will be very reasonable. And this will not allow you to restore too. Usually, these projects are not less than 2 months. Agree: it is not so simple.

In spite of this, some of the participants (to be on them especially the women) are unable to reset the 15-16 kg in 2 months, which is a great result.


If you are going to lose weight fast at home, have the whole organization of the event take. What can you advise:

  • to obtain the support of the house (not to seduceste meatballs and grilled sausage);
  • make a plan: paint the menu of the diet, taking into account daily calorie intake and exercise program;
  • buy if you do not have a coach house (in theory), at least the handlebars, the rope and the hula-hoop — a minimum of sports equipment for home practice;
  • monitor the daily live, forget the weight of the scale.

You could recommend to go to the advice of a dietitian to help you compose a menu according to the individual characteristics of the body. And for the coach, for advice, how often and what exercises to do point-blank range. But! For those who want to lose weight fast, these tours will prove to be useless. The first will prohibit any extreme ways to reduce the weight, and the second will advise you to go to the gym to get a result.


recommendations for weight loss

The last step in the preparation phase. Before choosing ways of the east, read the advice of experts. They help you in some way to reduce to a minimum the risks to the health.

Lose weight gradually

The council, obviously, not for those who want to lose weight fast. Yet this should be aware of before taking any action. There are specific numbers, as you can lose weight without risk to health. In the first place, not more than 1 kg a week, and then for a total of 4 kg in a month. In the second place, not more than 3% of initial weight per month. This figure is not low: if at the beginning of the "marathon" — 90 kg, it is possible to restore only 2.7 kg.

Drink water

All known, common truth. However, there have recently been disproved. Presumably this leads to a severe oedema, water retention in the tissues, and, consequently, the weight increases and not decreases. But, if everything is done properly (2 litres of evenly distribute and drink several times during the day until 18: 00), swelling torment will not be. If neglected this board, can suffer from the cardiovascular system. As well as the weight loss occurs quickly, the fat will accumulate in large amounts in the blood, dividing his viscous and dense. It is full of a variety of health problems. It is therefore important in this period to drink a lot of clean water.

Properly deal with failures

A typical situation for a quick weight loss, which should drive themselves too hard. Tearing it off, not to give up: not necessary with pain to load (with the thought "anyway, nothing happened") and start all over again with a new Monday. Continue to comply with initially planned plan.

Eat more protein

Protein-rich foods help reduce some (not all!) the risks to the health. Will not slow down metabolism, to warn the splitting of muscle fibers, will provide prolonged satiety. With this, be prepared for the negative consequences of such a diet: gastric disorders, the smell of acetone from the mouth, nervous breakdowns (due to the lack of fat) and lack of energy (due to a limitation of carbohydrates).

Still a couple of useful tips to lose weight fast:

  1. Keep a diary of loss of weight.
  2. Eat slowly, chew your food.
  3. Drinks prefer juice, freshly squeezed (better half diluted with water) and green tea.
  4. Get enough sleep.
  5. Combine power and cardio.
  6. More than walking.
  7. The ideal way of fast weight loss — intense training on the background of a diet rich in protein.

If you have a good idea of who is full of rapid weight loss if you decide where and how it will earnestly implement its plan (by themselves or through a collective project); if they have learned the length and breadth of advice on how to do everything correctly — only then you can start the selection of methods and techniques.


In the space of time which is needed to get rid of extra pounds? Decide how much time you can devote to it. Someone losing weight must be very fast — literally for 3 days. The others have the possibility to extend the process for up to 3 months. From this factor will depend on the choice of the method.

Extreme times and numbers

Very quickly — this is when you need to, how to lose weight in 3 days. As strange as it may seem, but so far will prove to be most effective and will allow you to recover a maximum of kg: with the right approach — from 3 to 5 kg. Why is this happening? No matter how intelligent, the body was not, he suddenly finds himself in a state of stress. Not realizing that it is happening, it starts to load the work of all organs and systems, to perform the biochemical processes in the cells and tissues. Following intensely the toxins and excess water, heavy muscle mass to grow there is still time — and you look at the reset literally weight 5 kg in 3 days.

For this you can do in terms of power:

  • organize a true and fast for one of the many copyright techniques;
  • sit on bread and water;
  • choose effective mono-diet: yogurt, buckwheat, grapefruit;
  • try a strict diet for 3 days: the zest of a lemon or drinking water;
  • stretch 1 day of fasting for 3 days.

Sports activities will fall anyway. As well as for 3 days, the muscle mass do not crescerenil, there is no sense of taking in hand the handlebar grips. Give preference to the cardio to have increased the energy deficit and strengthened the stress to the body. Jogging, morning gymnastics, hula hoop, jump rope skipping, hiking before going to sleep — it is useful for all.

Of the drugs is nothing better than a laxative and diuretic is not serious.

What you can do for a week

A time worth remembering. Lose 10 kg in a week is impossible. Even if theoretically to assume, that you die of starvation (not eating anything, only drinking water), and disappear all day in the gym, this figure difficult to achieve. In the first place, they will start fainting, it is likely to worsen health to such an extent that no sport, and the speech will be. In the second place, the swelling will not let you lose weight and can also increase.

Proof read the experience of one who fasts. The rapid weight loss occurs in the first three days, and the digit on the scale as if it hangs for a bit. This is due to the fact that the body is moving away stress and begins to include defensive reactions. For example, all eaten send reserve "the black day", so as not to know when his "would have been a" next time.

More the real goal of lose weight 5 kg in a week. For this you can do in terms of power:

  • the Field of Bragg a system of starvation for 7 days;
  • mono: apple, rice, on baby food, cucumber;
  • strict diet: no salt, model, and oatmeal;
  • eliminate from the diet salt, all the sweets, the fats and the simple carbohydrates;
  • reduce daily calorie intake up to 800-1000 kcal.

With sporting loads, you need to be extremely careful. If we take the training too intense, the muscles used will swell and then the scales will show you not less than 5 kg and more than 2-3 kg. Leave the daily routine: the exercises in the morning for 10 minutes and evening walks. Other sports — through out the day, in a moderate pace, no more than 20-30 minutes of strength exercises in combination with cardio.

You can draw and more ways:

  • belt or corset slimming;
  • cleansing the body of one of the copyright techniques (for example, Neumyvakina);
  • anti-cellulite wraps;
  • cosmetic for weight loss (thermogel, cooling creams).

Dietary supplements in so short a time, the effect of have not. If only the first 2-3 days, respecting the recommended dosage of drink of laxatives or diuretics.

If the period — month

From one side, it seems that a month is a considerable period, for which it is possible to do everything. With another, for those who want to lose weight quickly, in this period of time, they need to lose 10, 15 or more kilograms, and it is a lot of numbers.

What you can do to lose weight 15 kg in a month:

  • moderately protein diet;
  • daily calorie intake for women — not less than 1 200 kcal for men — not less than 1 500;
  • without harmful products;
  • once a week — a day of fasting and cleansing the body;
  • regular training (3 times / week) without fanaticism, of moderate intensity;
  • mandatory the combination of cardio with weights, exercises (how to do it correctly we have already discussed);
  • the increased physical activity: more than 10 000 steps per day jogging, hiking, reload, walk to the stairs;
  • if the sedentary life-style — warm-up for 5-10 minutes every hour;
  • the mastery of practice of respiratory;
  • dance lessons.

A further surefire way to attract:

  • once per week — Turkish bath not less than 1.5 hours with brooms, steam bath, green tea and cellulite wraps;
  • you can try to burn fat food Supplements or herbs for weight loss;
  • taping;
  • wraps not only in the bathroom, but also in working days (in total, 2-3 times per week);
  • cosmetic for weight loss twice a day;
  • coniferous, soda, salt baths;
  • a shower of contrast;
  • there are subscribe to salon procedures (lymphatic drainage massages, seaweed wraps, ozone therapy).
  • 5 days a week of wearing shapewear.

If the maximum draw all of these methods, for a month, you can substantially lose weight. The main thing — throughout comply with the measure and monitor the state of their health. The smallest case of malaise, consult a doctor and gradually return to the routine of the day.

Remember that to lose weight 15 kg in 3 months it will be much easier and more safe for your health, do it for a shorter period of time. This is not necessarily cling to all the methods that you can find, and do not need to torture the hunger strikes of 1000-1200 kcal. Will be sufficient to create an energy deficit with the aid of optimizing the daily energy intake, and workouts. For more methods may not be necessary.

Problem areas

problem areas

Sometimes you need to lose weight fast in a bad place, and then you need to focus on specific techniques.


How to quickly lose weight in your legs and hips? The first problem is, these places — swelling. The second orange peel. Then all the power necessary to direct the struggle it with them:

  • a few days to sit on the diuretics (depending on the size of oedema);
  • in the morning, running with moderate speed for 20-30 minutes;
  • every day doing exercises to slim the legs and hips;
  • do in these parts of the body wraps;
  • pass the course of massage of lymphatic drainage;
  • in the supine position and sitting to try to keep the feet in good conditions;
  • wear compression stockings or complete shorts.

Exercise it is worth to choose the squat of the sea and walk on the floor on your butt. Simulators — ellipsoid, step-by-step.


One of the most problematic parts. We need to understand if and where that lose weight fast abdominal — is virtually impossible. The visceral fat is from here, exit the last turn. What you can do to speed up the process:

  1. The basis of the diet should be fruit and vegetables. From fats to give up.
  2. Ideal salt-free diet, therapeutic table no.8.
  3. The first 2 weeks of focusing on cardio, and include strength exercises.
  4. Water aerobics lets you lose weight and remove belly fat.
  5. If the extra pounds, start with a Finnish sauna to feet, and only then move on to the race.
  6. Adjustment underwear strap or corset.
  7. Wraps.
  8. Interior procedure: cryotherapy, vacuum, or LPG-massage, tens, acupressure.

You can see the jump with the jump rope, the bar, push-ups and empty. Of the simulators, it is worth to use the ellipsoid or an exercise bike. Do not forget to draw the platen for printing and the fitball.


Perhaps one of the simpler tasks — fast lose weight in the face. During the diet, intense training, reception fat-burning and laxatives with this part of the body, the first you must swelling and fullness in the human human disappears. However, the obesity and in virtue of characteristics of the individual problem may remain saggy and double chin, and lips. Do with their hasbinding.

Men may advise exercises for slimming the face of Jack Lalanne (a bodybuilder, a naturopath, nutritionist). Women — Faceforming Galina Dubinina, or a series of exercises by Carol May.

If there is a possibility, it is possible to enroll in the procedure of mesotherapy. If you do not take advantage of special trick.


To lose weight in arms and shoulders, men must make emphasis on the pumping of the biceps and triceps, applying taping. Then it happens the replacement of body fat and muscle tissue. Women who do not want to have the shape of a bodybuilder, it's worth to exploit it in other ways:

  • follow a diet;
  • every day doing exercises to lose weight the hands: mahi, the work with dumbbells, push-ups, belt;
  • do their massage;
  • anti-cellulite wraps;
  • swimming;
  • acupuncture, ozone therapy, pressure therapy, spa treatments.

Along the street, wearing a special arm coverage for weight loss corrective or turtleneck with sleeves.

The individual cases

slimming for men and women

For men

Usually the representatives of the stronger sex want to lose weight fast but without diet. Their main mistake is that they begin to strenuously working out (with a preference for unit load), and drink sport supplements. But for the layers of grease pumped, the muscles will not be visible. First of all it is necessary to remove them, and this can only be done with the help of a proper diet. So that every man, before going to the gym, will have to calculate the rate daily calorie need for weight loss, and choose the high protein diet.

Baths and saunas, taping, extreme weight loss methods (the same of adrenaline, for example) — their choice in this matter.

Professional athletes to lose weight quickly before a race, follow the guidelines of a personal trainer and a nutritionist. Ideal for drying, but sometimes you have to sit on those protein shakes cocktail of a few days.

For women

A woman usually need to lose weight extremely fast, because the banquet, departure to the Seychelles, the purchase of expensive dresses — already... the day after tomorrow. The choice generally falls in what is now in fashion: the diet of The Pugacheva, magic pills, which promoted the famous american actress, pilates, the latest model of the adjustment of the corset, spa treatments. Cosmetics, baths, massages, body wraps — pure stuff from women for a quick weight loss.

The goal of quickly lose weight after childbirth, at least, impractical. This can lead to a lack of milk with a divergence of points of suture, and an excess of stimulation to the uterus. Diets are in the first year of a child's life — only the correct power supply. Sports activities, depending on the state of health of the young mother, but not before 1-2 months. In addition, the choice of exercises must be more careful.

For children

The child and, especially, the teens losing weight fast is absolutely contraindicated. This can influence the development of various organs and systems. The first to suffer of the GASTROINTESTINAL tract and the central nervous system. If children have a problem of excess weight, it is necessary to solve gradually and only with the help of professionals.

For those who want to...

Quickly lose weight after 40 years old, it will be extremely difficult, as well as the metabolism with age it slows down. This can be done only for men. In women starts premenopausal period. Yes, drop those extra pounds you need, but the urgency of the here to nothing otherwise because of significant hormonal changes in the background can be in the hospital.

As correctly observed by any of the users of the internet, the fastest way to lose weight is to photoshop. The expression reflects the whole essence of the problem: in this case we do not send out the horses, otherwise avoid complications in terms of health does not work. Try to set aside enough time to bring her figure in order.